Featured Scenographic Projects
I've been involved with scenographic design since my MA at Central Saint Martin's College of Art & Design in 1999 and in some previous projects with Montage Theatre and others.
Digital Scenography for me covers art direction for time-based media and performance and the designed movement of objects in a space be they a people or animated shapes or elements arranged in a film frame. It has links to the idea of Total Theatre where all elements are considered equally important - movement, artistic direction, music, text. This cuts against traditional western theatrical form where the text and the writer hold the most importance.
see also the projects entitled, Workout, A Hot Potato, Lightlines, Shape Over Time,
Selected Projects..
Figments (2001) is a collaborative work bringing together digital panoramic photography, image manipulation and performance. A series of seven images in which figments of urban life and a working forest collide. The viewer, surrounded by 360 degrees scenarios, with a cast of five actors, is invited to interact.
This work by Judy Gordon and David Barnett emerged from their residency in King’s Wood and at Kent Institute of Art and Design. It was commissioned by Stour Valley Arts as part of their international contemporary art programme. Each image is a response to different aspects of life in King’s Wood that the artists experienced during their six-month residency, This site-specific work was developed through visits, staying overnight, walking through the forest, recording conversations and making images in different seasons using digital photographs, video and sound.
Images below are screen grabs from an interactive CDROM entitled Figments.
As part of a related project called Forest Flicks, I projected the panoramas onto back projection material filling the windows of the main entrance to the Marlowe Theatre in Canterbury with Judy Gordon interacting with them live.
As part of a related project called Forest Flicks, I projected the panoramas onto back projection material filling the windows of the main entrance to the Marlowe Theatre in Canterbury with Judy Gordon interacting with them live.
Performers:Temujin Gill, Judy Gordon, Deanna Johnson, Mem Morrison, Imogen Smith and Samuel Barnett for their patience and good humour. Wardrobe Vania Mills at Gladrags and Sophie Gee.
Commissioned by Stour Valley Arts in collaboration with Kent Institute of Art and Design for the Year of the Artist 2000/2001
Published by Stour Valley Arts, King’s Wood, Challock, Kent
Curated and organised by Sandra Drew
Packaging designed by LOUP, Produced by Cyclone, Box Printed by Dexter, Distributed by Cornerhouse
ISBN 0 9535340 3 0 (item now incompatible with current hardware)
Commissioned by Stour Valley Arts in collaboration with Kent Institute of Art and Design for the Year of the Artist 2000/2001
Published by Stour Valley Arts, King’s Wood, Challock, Kent
Curated and organised by Sandra Drew
Packaging designed by LOUP, Produced by Cyclone, Box Printed by Dexter, Distributed by Cornerhouse
ISBN 0 9535340 3 0 (item now incompatible with current hardware)
Talawa 'TYPT', Dir Mem Morrison - Sadler's Wells Theatre, Lilian Baylis Studio
Talawa 'TYPT', Dir Mem Morrison' - Drill Hall
Resolution! "Sorry, which me did you mean?" - The Place
With; Judy Gordon and Ashleigh Marsh, Deanna Johnson, Layla Smith, Sara Nesti.
Konservatorium Musikschule Zürich - installation
Group Installation at (Zurich Conservatory Music School) - light beam projected onto a metal tray with water then onto a screen. Music and voice
is played through a large speaker underneath the tray causing the water to react in varying Chladni patterns also causing the beam to change shape.
Group Installation at (Zurich Conservatory Music School) - light beam projected onto a metal tray with water then onto a screen. Music and voice
is played through a large speaker underneath the tray causing the water to react in varying Chladni patterns also causing the beam to change shape.
Circle-X Arts, Black Earth -
European tour, projection design, graphics package & animated CG
'Circle-X Arts manage to pull off three hours of beguiling and often ravishingly beautiful multimedia performance of a type seldom seen on the Western stage. This is ritualised theatre that explores the unknown, the invisible and the unseen. In common with certain Eastern forms like Butohor Kathakali, it appeals to a different level of consciousness – to the intuitive rather than the analytical, the heart rather than the mind.
It’s easy to be cynical about its spiritual themes, particularly in this technological era in which everything is scientific, programmable, classifiable and measurable. But this is precisely the company’s point. Now more than ever we need to take a step back and ask ourselves what all of this progress has achieved. And at what cost. We need to take a return trip from cyberspace and ground ourselves again in the black earth.'
- Total Theatre Magazine
Penn State University, Digital Performance Scenography Workshop
Penn State University Digital Performance show
The Struggle of Utopia, a digital performance carried out in several public street venues in Brockley and Deptford with Judy Gordon, originally for an artist residency with Lighthouse in Brighton and later for Deptford X in London. This dealt with the original announcement of the Olympic games coming to London and a rye look at social regeneration.